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1944 in Canada

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See also:

Events from the year 1944 in Canada.





Federal government


Provincial governments


Lieutenant governors




Territorial governments










January to June


July to September


October to December


Full date unknown




January to June

Stephen Leacock

July to December


Historical documents


D-Day maps assure success, as when Regina Rifles land knowing "nearly every foot" of Courseulles before taking it[3]

"Throughout D-day, the assault was pressed forward with considerable success" as three infantry brigades move inland[4]

Film: CBC war correspondent Matthew Halton "reminisces about the liberation of the ancient city of Caen in Normandy"[5]

"The Abortive Thrust Up the Caen–Falaise Road" by Canadians draws in German forces, aiding U.S. breakout from Normandy[6]

War artist in Normandy campaign describes evading friendly flak and enemy mines (plus V-1 attacks)[7]

Photo and painting: Amphibious vehicles carry troops across Scheldt River, Belgium, 1944[8]

Men of 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion go on 3-day hunger strike while training in England after D-Day[9]

Battle morale under "terrible strain" as fresh recruits with only 30 days' training go into combat in Netherlands[10]

In September along Adriatic coast, beauty and blood mingle in Italian countryside during battle to take Coriano Ridge[11]

News: Defence minister Ralston resigns; editorial: PM King not disclosing "the facts and the principles" in cabinet's conscription crisis[12]

In "scorching reply" to PM King, Ralston says he was fired and PM not acknowledging urgency of Army manpower crisis[13]

In Commons session arising from cabinet crisis, PM King announces that 16,000 conscripts will be transferred to Europe[14]

"We must finish with Hitler first" - Canadian effort in Pacific war is limited by demands of European campaign[15]

Map: Canadian war effort, including timeline and "Canada's War Development" inset with military and home front statistics[16]

Newsletter: Monthly digest of news about wartime production and needs in Europe and Pacific[17]

Compassionate return, leave and prisoner escort duty are advised for Canadian soldiers with long overseas service[18]

Halifax blood donation advertisement - "Hundreds Of New Blood Donors Needed To Save The Lives Of Our Fighting Men!"[19]

Film: "That They May Live" details blood collection with scenes of blood donation and processing, and serum freezing and delivery to warfront[20]

New Zealand prime minister says postwar promises must surmount those who stand still and look backward or who look forward and stand still[21]

Canadian and U.S. diplomats discuss proposals for new world organization, especially regarding clout of less than great powers[22]

Canadian ambassador says U.S.S.R. will be troublesome, but "will throw its full weight behind the forces working for peace and security"[23]

Magazine for Canadians of various ethnic origins has article titles like "Beyond Race and Nationality" and "'Foreign' Canadians in the Present War"[24]

Young woman survivor describes her cattle car transport from Hungary to arrival at Auschwitz concentration camp[25]

With their properties sold, indications are that Japanese Canadians will not be allowed back to coastal British Columbia[26]

Japanese-Canadian newspaper of Kaslo, B.C. says government intends to disperse Japanese Canadians across Canada after war[27]

Ontario Racial Discrimination Act outlaws signs and symbols (but not stated opinions) that discriminate based on race or creed[28]

Drawing: Toronto streetcar passengers read that Soviets have ended German siege of Leningrad[29]

Garden club president explains lure of suburbs (like his one, Port Credit (Mississauga), Ont.) to gardeners[30]

Fired as army commander, but not yet defence minister, Gen. A.G.L. McNaughton visits his Saskatchewan boyhood home[31]

"We are in another world" - Canadian war artist describes layers of cloud as seen from aircraft[32]


  1. ^ "King George VI | The Canadian Encyclopedia". www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. Retrieved 4 December 2022.
  2. ^ Lentz, Harris M. (4 February 2014). Heads of States and Governments Since 1945. Routledge. p. 142. ISBN 978-1-134-26490-2.
  3. ^ Historical Officer, Canadian Military Headquarters, "Operation 'Overlord' and its Sequel: Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 6 Jun – 31 Jul 44 (Preliminary Report)" (Report No. 131, February 12, 1945), para. 44, pg. 10. Accessed 20 July 2020
  4. ^ Historical Officer, Canadian Military Headquarters, "Operation 'Overlord' and its Sequel: Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 6 Jun – 31 Jul 44 (Preliminary Report)" (Report No. 131, February 12, 1945), para. 50, pg. 11. Accessed 20 July 2020
  5. ^ "Matthew Halton recalls capturing Caen" (1956), Second World War, War and Conflict, CBC Archives. Accessed 21 January 2021
  6. ^ Historical Officer, Canadian Military Headquarters, "Operation 'Overlord' and its Sequel: Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 6 Jun – 31 Jul 44 (Preliminary Report)" (Report No. 131, February 12, 1945), pgs. 26-8. Accessed 20 July 2020
  7. ^ Letter of Eric Aldwinckle (July 15, 1944). Accessed 20 July 2020 http://pw20c.mcmaster.ca/pw20c/case-study/creative-dialogue-across-ocean-eric-aldwinckles-letters-harry-somers?page=7 (scroll down to 15 July)
  8. ^ "Buffalo amphibious vehicles carrying troops across the Scheldt River to Hooftplaat" Library and Archives Canada. Orville Norman Fisher, "Sheldt Crossing" Canadian War Museum. Accessed 6 October 2024
  9. ^ Historical Section (G.S.), Army Headquarters, "The 1st Canadian Parachute Battalion in the Low Countries and in Germany" (Report No. 17, October 27, 1947), para. 9, pg. 4. Accessed 21 July 2020
  10. ^ Historical Section, Canadian Military Headquarters, "Canadian Participation in the Operations in North-West Europe, 1944;(...)The Clearing of the Scheldt Estuary" (Report No. 188, April 7, 1948), para. 198, pgs. 131-2. Accessed 20 July 2020
  11. ^ R.G. Sawdon, "Scenic Illusion" Another River to Cross. Accessed 20 July 2020
  12. ^ F.C. Mears, "Further Cabinet Breach Said Healed for Present;[...]Ministers in Line; But Several Reported to Disagree With King on Draftees" (pgs. 1, 18), and "The People Should Be Told" (pg. 8), The (Montreal) Gazette, Vol. CLXXIII, No. 264 (November 3, 1944). Accessed 22 July 2020
  13. ^ "Ralston Demands Conscription Now to Meet Losses;(...)Reveals King Asked Resignation When Action Demanded" The (Montreal) Gazette, Vol. CLXXIII, No. 272 (November 13, 1944), pgs. 1, 20. Accessed 22 July 2020
  14. ^ "Canadian Forces; Tabling of Order in Council Respecting Extension of Service of N.R.M.A. Personnel" (November 23, 1944), House of Commons Debates, 19th Parliament, 5th Session: Vol. 6, pgs. 6515-16. Accessed 22 July 2020
  15. ^ "Canada And The Pacific War" Winnipeg Tribune (June 3, 1944). Accessed 21 July 2020
  16. ^ Stanley Turner, "Canada at War" (1944), David Rumsey Historical Map Collection. Accessed 12 December 2021
  17. ^ Industrial Information Section, Wartime Information Board, "Wallnews; Dec. 1944" University of British Columbia Library. Accessed 17 April 2022
  18. ^ Historical Officer, Canadian Military Headquarters, "Return and Leave to Canada for Personnel of the Canadian Army Overseas" (Report No. 124, October 12, 1944). Accessed 21 July 2020
  19. ^ Canadian Red Cross Society, "January 30 to February 5; Blood Donors Registration Week" The Halifax Chronicle (February 2, 1944), pg. 11. Accessed 20 July 2020
  20. ^ Associated Screen Studios (for Canadian Red Cross Society), "That They May Live" (1944). Accessed 14 July 2021
  21. ^ "Address of the Right Honourable Peter Fraser(...)to Members of the Senate and of the House of Commons" (June 30, 1944), Official Report of Debates House of Commons[...]Volume V, 1944, pg. 4424. Accessed 4 July 2021
  22. ^ United States Department of State, "Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Eastern European Affairs (Bohlen)" (November 5, 1944), Interest of the United States in the Reaction of Non-Participating Governments to the Dumbarton Oaks Proposals, Foreign Relations of the United States; Diplomatic Papers, 1944, pgs. 933-6. Accessed 22 July 2020
  23. ^ Letter of Ambassador L.D. Wilgress to Prime Minister Mackenzie King (November 9, 1944). Accessed 20 July 2020
  24. ^ Canadians All; The Canadian Magazine Vol. II, No. 3-4 (Autumn 1944). (See also argument for commonalities of Canadian cultural groups in Canadians All) Accessed 17 May 2022
  25. ^ Eva Olsson (formerly Ester Malek), "Veteran Stories: Eva Olsson" The Memory Project. Accessed 22 July 2020
  26. ^ "British Columbia; Little Hope for Japanese Return to Coastal Areas" Granada Pioneer, Vol. II, No. 36 (Amache, Colorado, March 8, 1944), pg. 5. Accessed 15 February 2020
  27. ^ "Regulatory Supervision" Granada Pioneer, Vol. II, No. 94 (Amache, Colo., September 30, 1944), pg. 2. Accessed 22 July 2020
  28. ^ Ontario, "An Act to Prevent the Publication of Discriminatory Matter Referring to Race or Creed" (March 14, 1944). Accessed 22 July 2020
  29. ^ Paraskeva Clark, "In a Toronto Streetcar" (1944; location unknown), Art Canada Institute. Accessed 18 May 2022
  30. ^ J.H.L. Morgan, "Foreword," Clover Leaf Horticultural Society;[...]First Annual Show;[...]August 26, 1944 (unpaginated). Accessed 7 July 2020 https://www.archeion.ca/1944-yearbook (click on image)
  31. ^ Ken Liddell, "Boyhood Days Recalled By General" Regina Leader-Post (May 16, 1944), pg. 14. Accessed 22 July 2020
  32. ^ Letter of Eric Aldwinckle (March 17, 1944). Accessed 22 July 2020 http://pw20c.mcmaster.ca/pw20c/aldwinckle-eric-letter-17-march-1944-3 http://pw20c.mcmaster.ca/pw20c/aldwinckle-eric-letter-17-march-1944-4 http://pw20c.mcmaster.ca/pw20c/aldwinckle-eric-letter-17-march-1944-5 http://pw20c.mcmaster.ca/pw20c/aldwinckle-eric-letter-17-march-1944-6 http://pw20c.mcmaster.ca/pw20c/aldwinckle-eric-letter-17-march-1944-7 (note: this site has also labelled another letter (dated March 17, 1943) as 17 March 1944)