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User:Wilfried Derksen/Liberal bibliography

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This Liberal bibliography lists literature on liberalism as well as the liberal classics. Off course it is not a complete list. The list doesn't include literature on liberalism or liberal parties in specific countries.

Liberal classics


The authors are listed more or less chronological

  • Voltaire (France 1694-1778) History as Progress, rational government
    • Philosophical Dictionary
  • David Hume (United Kingdom, 1711-1776), Rational inquiry into society and econonomy
    • An Enquiry Concerning the Principles of Morals, 1751
  • Marquis de Condorcet (France, 1743-1794)
    • Esquisse d'un tableau historique des progrés de l'esprit humain, 1795 (Sketch for a Historical Picture of the Progress of the Human Mind)
  • Jeremy Bentham (United Kingdom, 1748-1832)
  • Benjamin Constant (France, 1767-1830)
    • De l'esprit de conquête et l'usurpation (On the spirit of conquest and on usurpation), 1814
  • Wilhelm von Humboldt (Germany, 1767-1835)
    • Ideen zu einem Versuch, die Grenzen der Wirksamkeit des Staats zu bestimmen, 1792 (On the Limits of State Action)
  • James Mill (United Kingdom, 1773-1836)
    • Elements of Political Economy, 1821
  • Jakob Burkhardt (Swiss, 1818-1897) State as derived from cultural and economic life
    • The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
  • John Dewey (United States, 1859-1952)
    • Liberalism and Social Action, 1935
    • Democracy and Education [17]
  • William Beveridge (United Kingdom, 1879-1973)
    • Full Employment in a Free Society, 1944
    • Why I am a liberal, 1945
  • Alan Paton (South Africa, 1903-1988)
    • Cry, The Beloved Country, 1948
  • Raymond Aron (France, 1905-1983)
    • Essais sur les libertés, 1965
    • Démocratie et totalitarisme, 1965
  • Isaiah Berlin (Latvia/United Kingdom, 1909-1997)
    • Two Concepts of Liberty, 1958
    • Four Essays on Liberty, 1966
  • Ralf Dahrendorf (Germany/United Kingdom, 1929- )
    • Die Chancen der Krise: über die Zukunft des Liberalismus, 1983
    • Fragmente eines neuen Liberalismus, 1987

Literature on liberalism


in English

  • The future of liberal revolution / Bruce Ackerman - New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992
  • Liberalism and Democracy / Norberto Bobbio - London: Verso, 1990 (Liberalismo e democrazia, 1988)
  • Liberalism / John A. Hall - London: Paladin, 1988
  • The Decline of Liberalism as an Ideology / John H. Hallowell - London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1946

in Dutch

  • Beleid voor een vrije samenleving / J.W. de Beus en Percy B. Lehning (red.) - Meppel: Boom, 1990
  • Afscheid van de Verlichting: Liberalen in verwarring over eigen gedachtengoed / Hans Charmant en Percy Lehning - Amsterdam: Donner, 1989
  • Liberalisme, een speurtocht naar de filosofische grondslagen / A.A.M. Kinneging e.a. - Den Haag: Teldersstichting, 1988
  • De liberale speurtocht voortgezet / K. Groenveld, H.J. Lutke Schipholt & J.H.C. van Zanen - Den Haag: Teldersstichting, 1989
  • Het menselijk liberalisme / Dirk Verhofstadt - Antwerpen: Houtekiet, 2002

in French

  • Le libéralisme / Georges Burdeu - Paris: Seuil, 1979

in German

  • Die Freiheit die wir meinen / Werner Becker - München: Piper, 1982
  • Noch eine chance für die Liberalen / Karl-Hermann Flach - Frankfurt: Fischer, 1971
  • Liberalismus / Lothar Gall - Königstein: Athenäum, 1985