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User:Sr X

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Hugo Velasco Rosa


Brazilian from São Paulo, SP. In Wikipédia since October 2nd of 2004. Electrical engineering student, enfasis in control and automation, at Escola Politécnica from University of São Paulo


  1. Control engineering (electrical engineering)
  2. Biomedical engineering
  3. Programming: C, C++, Pascal, Delphi, ...
  4. Free software: Debian GNU/Linux, ...
  5. RPG: Tolkien, Trevas (Brazilian system), D&D, Storyteller, ...
  6. Mathematics: pura e aplicada
  7. Physics: astronomy, theory of relativity, quantum mechanics, ...
  8. Science fiction: The X-Files, The Matrix, ...
  9. Science
  10. Automobile
  11. Games: from atari to PS2, from tic tac toe to chess

× Sr. X ×


In internet as know by nickname × Sr. Χ × (read as kee or key, de Χ χ Chi letter of greek alphabet).

 __  __ 
/_/\/ /\  Conhecimento é controle!!!
\ \ \/ /
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/_/ /\ \
\_\/\_\/  Divirta-se!!!