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The Mystery of the Yeti

The yeti, also called the “Abominable Snowman” is a mystical creature that has been claimed to be seen in artic and mountainous regions of the world, most likely the Himalayas. It is unknown where the first stories of the yeti began but it has been featured in many games, movies, toys, etc. The yeti has an almost human posture but completely covered in hair or fur and is very tall and muscular. The yeti looks very much like Bigfoot, another mysterious creature that has been “seen” on several occasions by extremely blurry photos and desperate people looking for attention. The yeti is also very similar to the sasquatch except the yeti tends to live in much colder regions. The sasquach, Bigfoot, and the yeti all look pretty much the same and probably are the same, but yeti just sounds cool if you know what I mean. Most of the stories that brought about the yeti were probably meant to scare children or once again by people desperate for attention, but now the yeti is used for entertainment along with Bigfoot, now the name of a monster truck. The sasquach is probably the least known of three, is most likely a spin-off of Bigfoot or vice a versa and all three of the creatures have very primate like characteristics and have been rumored to be a “missing” link in the evolutionary chain of human history. Some scientists have made it their career to study these mystical creatures (called cryptozooology) in diminishing hopes that they just might be real but no results have turned up yet, but for now people will just have to deal with more blurry photos and videos.